At some point in history slavery has plagued every nation on the planet. Countless governments have allowed the complete control of African Americans for the benefit of other people, usually Caucasians, under the pretention of social, commercial, and technical movement. Even with time passed, African Americans are still resentful for long the long unconstitutional enslavement and mistreatment of their ancestors. There is no excuse for the many years of abuse that the black community received, nor can time heal the wounds left, and even though slavery has ended long ago, the black community is still mistreated with unequal opportunities, racist treatment, social barriers and economic inequalities. Is there a monetary value …show more content…
They were treated inhumanely, and were not looked at as human beings but as possessions that were inferior. African slaves resisted their enslavement by running away, fighting back, poisoning food, and plotting riots. They were beaten, whipped lynched and abused for simply trying to escape for freedom.
Eventually the United States government enacted the thirteen amendment to abolish slavery. This caused so much controversy that it led to the civil war. Even after the civil war ending along with slavery, American has never officially made an apology to the African American people for their enslavement nor offered financial compensations to pay damages for their struggles. There have been pleas by African Americans for reparations, but political and legal efforts have always failed.
Supporters of slavery reparations claim that the descendants of enslaved peoples should receive financial compensation for the unpaid forced labor that their ancestors performed (Gale, 2014). Supporters say that this is crucial because descendants of slaves continue to experience greater levels of economic and social hardship than do those whose ancestors were not enslaved. Reparations would fund programs aimed at redressing these circumstances or provide monetary assistance to individuals. Reparations would also acknowledge the general economic debt that the country owes to slavery and the injustices that slavery perpetrated on slaves and their