To ensure a healthy environment you must meet the four coloured EYFS themes and legal requirements and also children’s (ACT2004).
Every child matters: .Be happy .stay safe .enjoy & achieve .make positive contribution .achieve anomic well-being
The four coloured themes of the eyfs development matters which are a
• unique child
• positive relationships
• enabling environment
• equals learning and development.
These four themes and the principles that inform them work together to help children reach their full potential in turn leads to the children feeling happy and valued, using observation assessment and planning builds the foundations children need for good future learning. There are seven areas of learning and development which you must use to plan educational activities. Children learn best when they are healthy, safe and secure when they are treated as individuals and their needs are met and they have formed positive relationships with the adults caring for them. The safeguarding and welfare requirements set out in the eyfs are designed to help you to create environments that are welcoming, safe and stimulating. All childminders need to have
•health and safety policies and procedures including hygiene
•Child protection policies and procedures
•Inclusion, equality and diversity policy
•Accident illness and emergency policy and procedures
All aspects of the home and garden and any outings should be assed for risks and written risk assessments should be in place and checked on a daily bases. All meals snacks and drinks provided must be healthy and healthy eating and the effect it has on the body and mind should be promoted. principles of safe supervision of children in the home-based setting and off site:
Childminders need to