Throughout the course of the film, each character displays differing amounts of control over their lives. Latika has limited influence over her destiny unlike Salim who has the most. Jamal however, experiences a mix of influences as well as his own decisions which influence his fate.
Latika lives her life making minimal decisions about her destiny. As a young, beautiful, female, she is constantly targeted by men. As this began when she was an orphaned child, it became her way of life. She never had to make decisions about her life, as someone was always there to do it for her. When she does try to take control, such as when her, Salim and Jamal ran away from Maman, it resulted in her being punished. This control by men is highlighted in the close up Salim letting go of Latikas hand during their escape from Maman. This action ultimately decides that she will be under Mamans control. Again, whilst in Mamans possession, her path is being chosen for her. Maman decides that she will become a prostitute as he see’s her as a way for him to make money. “Have you any idea what this virgin is worth?” Once rescued, Latika comes under Salims control, as is Jamal partly. Again, whilst she is with the brothers, she needs not make any decisions as they are all made for her. Salim decides that Latika is now his, not Jamals. “I’m number one now”. He emphasizes this through the closing of the hotel room door, which is seen in a close up shot from Jamals perspective. Salim again takes control of Latika in scene 24 which is seen through the wide shot of Salim giving Latika his car keys. This scene highlights Salims control over Latika yet again, however it also displays that Latika is finally making decisions for herself, to go after Jamal, even if the opportunity is set up by Salim and is highly influenced by him.
Initially, Jamal is seen to