Business Policy & Strategic Management
Section H1
Mon. 6:00-9:00 PM
Jan.10-May 6, 2005
2128 Gerdin Business Building
Iowa State University
Instructor: Scott Elston Office Hours: Weds 5:30 - 6:00 MS, Iowa State University, 1990 Other times by appt. ABD, The University of Iowa, 1994
Office: 3134 Gerdin
Phone: 294-7650 (off.) 294-8116 (dept.) 232-7194 (home) 233-1026 ext. 343 (work)
Course prerequisites: POM 320, Mgt. 370; Fin. 301; Mkt. 340; Trlog. 360; Senior Classification.
Required Text: Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases Arthur A. Thompson, Jr. and A.J. Strickland III, 13th Ed. 2003
Recommended Publications: Wall Street Journal, Fortune, BusinessWeek, Barron’s, Forbes, Harvard Business Review
Course Description:
Every day throughout the world thousands of new businesses are being created and operated. Some succeed. Many fail. Why are some more successful than others? Is it because of the industry that the business is in? Is it because of the quality of the company’s products? Is it because of the quality of its leadership? Is it luck? Or is it something else? This course is intended to help you answer that question.
By taking this course you’ll see the corporation from the top, through the eyes of the CEO. You’ll understand the forces that shape his or her strategic decisions. You’ll become familiar with the basic tools corporate leaders use in their attempt to maximize the value of the company to its owners. You’ll gain an appreciation of the issues and situations frequently confronting today’s executive. You’ll also gain a greater awareness of how your individual area of expertise i.e., accounting, finance, human resources, marketing, management information systems, production, or transportation/logistics, contributes to the ability of an