Overview of the SmartCard LLC Case
SmartCard LLC is a company that possesses expertise smart cards as well as magnetic strip technology. SmartCard LLC intends to develop applications and solutions to address the rapidly growing demand for marketing frequency or loyalty programs. SmartCard LLC asserts that as competition increases in the retail sector and other industries that companies will be searching for new ways to understand their customers and techniques to retain their customers. SmartCard LLC’s smart card solutions are a proposed solution to this market problem. The SmartCard LLC strategy is focused on using smart cards for their clients’ frequency or customer loyalty programs and bringing end benefit to the customers. Their clients will be enabled with the smart card solution to identify: a) their most profitable customers; b) what these customers purchase in both quantity and frequency; c) customer buying preferences. This customer purchasing information can be stored into a marketing database to help their clients drive all aspects of marketing (advertising, promotion, pricing, and site selection). The primary objective by SmartCard is to establish on going relationships with their clients that will enhance future returns for SmartCard LLC. The problem to be analyzed, as a part of this case study, is whether or not SmartCard LLC conducted enough market research for their marketing plan to demonstrate a successful product.
Statement of Objectives
The SmartCard LLC marketing plan case study is aimed at analyzing SmartCard’s management team’s marketing plan. The main questions to be addressed, in this case study, are: a) Did the SmartCard LLC management team conduct enough research to quantify the size of the market? b) How valid was the SmartCard LLC’s assessment of probable market acceptance of the product? Analysis of the SmartCard LLC Marketing Plan
In general, the management team only presented
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