As Nye has said, "The world is neither unipolar, multipolar, nor chaotic-it is all three at the same time." Unilateralism works more towards Mearsheimer's view of power, where you act on your own, but it's also possible to be multilateral if it is of self interest. An example of unilateralism is The Afghanistan war. Afghanistan was harboring terrorist who attacked the United States and further attacks might be anticipated, so military action would be needed to prevent this from happening again. This shows the US only doing this for self defense to protect their citizens. An example of multilateralism is in World War II. Countries came together to defeat the Axis powers. This shows countries working together and collaborating for the greater
As Nye has said, "The world is neither unipolar, multipolar, nor chaotic-it is all three at the same time." Unilateralism works more towards Mearsheimer's view of power, where you act on your own, but it's also possible to be multilateral if it is of self interest. An example of unilateralism is The Afghanistan war. Afghanistan was harboring terrorist who attacked the United States and further attacks might be anticipated, so military action would be needed to prevent this from happening again. This shows the US only doing this for self defense to protect their citizens. An example of multilateralism is in World War II. Countries came together to defeat the Axis powers. This shows countries working together and collaborating for the greater