It is important to remember that these results are only one data point reflecting your child’s overall performance. As your child matriculates through the Portland Public Schools, additional standardized assessment data will be collected from math and ELA Smarter Balanced
assessments for students in grades 3-8, the PSAT for students in grades 9-11, and the SAT, which students take at the end of their junior year and often take a second time in the fall of their senior year. The Portland Public Schools have carefully developed curriculum, instruction, and assessments designed to prepare students for success on all standardized assessments required by the State of Connecticut.
In addition to performance on standardized assessments, the Portland Public Schools carefully monitors other data, including attendance information, performance on benchmark assessments, and, most importantly, performance in class on teacher-designed tests, quizzes, projects, essays, presentations, etc. Teachers use this data to differentiate instruction to meet the varied needs of all learners. The data is also used by SRBI teams comprised of counselors, teachers, school administrators, and support staff to ensure that each student is developing the skills, content knowledge, and work habits necessary for success in higher education and the 21st century workplace.