2. Main Point: Satisfaction: How we can decrease the number of people smoking
3. Main Point: Visualization: What the world would look like if people did stop smoking
4. Main Point: Action: What people can do to stop smoking cigarettes. TRANSITION STATEMENT AND SIGNPOST: As most of you may already know, smoking cigarettes, a type of tobacco product, is very addictive. II. BODY A. Main Point: Need: How smoking cigarettes becomes an addiction and in the end can lead to health issues and death. 1. Sub-Point: Cigarettes have a addictive substance in them called Nicotine. They also contain flavorful additives.
a. About 23% of men and 18% of women smoke in the USA.
2. Sub-Point: The effects of cigarettes on your health.
a. Cigarettes account for approximately 440,000 deaths every year
b. In most cases of new smokers, when that person smokes 3-4 cigarettes a day, they tend to keep that addiction over the next 30-40 years of their lives.
3. Sub-Point: Results of smoking
a. Smoking cigarettes increases the chance of heart disease, cancer and stroke
b.The chance of getting lung cancer in men goes up nearly 23 times and in women goes up to 13 times as compared to non smokers.
c. Also the average smoker spends around 1,000 to 1,500 dollars a year buying cigarettes.