“Pho” is the special food of the people in Vietnam’s central.
No matter what time day or night, a steaming bowl of Pho noodles soup is never hard to find in Vietnam. Fust as pad thai in Thailand, Pho is Vietnam’s unofficial national dish exported with pride all over the world.
Pho brings us together in a room and we’ll discuss endlessly over the North and the south of our daily life, the clashes of our history, the contradition of our culture. Have you ever wondered where and when Pho come from? Pho originated in the early 20th century in nothern Vietnam. The Vietnamese claim that Pho originated in the Nam Dinh province just southest of Hanoi and then spread to other parts of the country. Even President Cliton enjoyed a bowl of Pho during his history visit to Vietnam at Pho 2000 – a small restaurent in Ho Chi Minh city. The name “Pho”, they suspect, might have even com from “feu” or French “beef stew”, which the French brought to Vietnam when they came to the rule the country. But let me take this theory further into something more concrete to possibly reflect facts. It is this Vietnamese love to take foreign words and use them as our town, but with a Vietnamese accent. So “feu” became “Pho”.
Pho is famous all over the world for its diversity, unique way of making and attraction on foreigners or tourist.
• Pho is famous all over the world for it diversity and unique way of making:
In Vietnam, we have two kinds of Pho. One is Pho of the northern people, and the other one is Pho of the southern people.
Pho of North:
Given the theory that Pho is a Vietnamese adaptation of the french pot au feu. It’s not surprising to think that Pho