In this article writer had explained the various different stages of Indian restaurants, how it originated and where it has reached.
Writer has explained the ladders which the Indian restaurants has stepped and how it gained popularity in the other parts of the world.
Ultimately he explains about how Indian culture got excepted in the US and the reasons behind it .
First and foremost writer describes about Britain .In 1810 there was a restaurant opened by an Indian, with a view in mind the British office (from east Indian company) would visit his restaurant. This reflects the so active Indian brains that are to earn money through Indian cuisine. Unfortunately this idea didn’t clicked.
But eventually it picked up in the year 1926. Veera Swamy’s was the first Indian restaurant to have sustained success in the UK.
But the Indian cuisine experience a real success after World War 2 , when Bangladeshi emigrants and East African Indian came up with different flavors, different curries and various different varieties in the menu, that too at cheaper rates. This really reflected in their success in the UK.
The US was different market all together. Punjabi’s from India stepped in the US with the Point of view of farming. Eventually they started the business of restaurants. But it didn’t picked up because of anti emigrants law passed in the year 1920.
This resulted into Indian Punjabi’s marring Mexican and Came up with Punjabi Mexican recipes which became widely accepted.
Later on in 1960’s when working class emigrants became possible, this cuisine brought an acceleration, because there was diversity of culture and it was well accepted by people because of cheap rate and sense of connectivity.
Low pricing restaurant serving the working emigrants like taxi drivers exited and was one of the chains how Indian cuisine developed.
Another booster for Indian restaurants was college town. Many