" We keep our commitments to Outbackers, guided by our five principles. Our purpose is to prepare Outbackers to exercise good judgment and live our Principles and Beliefs. There are no probationary Outbackers.
Because of our Serious Food, Concentrated Service and No Rules, Outbackers approach our Customers with confidence and a sense of ownership while demonstrating our principles …show more content…
The industry was highly fragmented and subject to risks from food cost and wage inflation, lifestyle trends, seasonality and shifts in investor sentiment-all of these factors that are usually present in our modern times. All of these factors dictated how each restaurant conducted operations. The fast pace of society required companies to develop well organized take-out services to accommodate working …show more content…
Finding top-quality meat and sustaining profit margins became an increasingly difficult task, so instead of trying to spin straw into gold, Outback began trying to attract a new clientele-women. They added more fruity cocktails and added more fish to the menu to cater to the more health-conscious feelings of women. In addition to attracting a female-based customer, the adaptation to move farther away from beef was an advantageous move in the decision to cater to the more health conscious. At the end of 2004 amidst the aforementioned issue, Outback's sales were up 10.7% from the previous