Firstly, being in High School and being surrounded by smoke after school isn’t even a little bit pleasant. All of the older kids smoke so the younger kids like to be influenced by the juniors and seniors. They will eventually start and get into the habit of smoking. It’s also very unhealthy. Secondly, being in a restaurant and having to smell that smoke while eating is not only disrespectful but also disturbing and once again not healthy. I respect those who smoke away.
Another reason is smoking will become a tendency, which lures a lot of young people to do so. In fact, according to some reliable surveys, numbers of smokers are rapidly increasing this day. Of course, we can smoke if this will affect no one. We together make some tight and strict regulation for smokers if we don’t want to have any adverse influences on our next generations.
Second-hand smoke is harmful. I really feel that smoking in public places should be banned, because not only the smokers are affected, but also the health of others around them. In my opinion, smoking in public places, especially places with a lot of people is a pretty selfish thing to do. I found that second hand smoke is very annoying, because every time I walk with someone smoking, I always feel that I have to hold my breath. Smoking seriously harms people's lungs.
Smokers only think about themselves, not the people around them which sickens and I think it is about time that non-smokers got a justice.