Smoking cigarettes can cause lung problems. Both first-hand and second-hand smokers are affected by cigarette smoke. Scientific findings and researches show that the chemicals in cigarettes, apart from the smoke, can lead to health problems such as lung cancer. Smoking cigarettes should be banned in public places. In public places, more people, both young and old, can be exposed to the smoke from cigarettes. My position differs from those who might say that smoking altogether should not be banned. My position is that smoking in public places should be banned. It does not include smoking in private places like homes. Smoking in public places should be banned because it poses health risks to individuals who are non-smokers and who do not want to inhale the fumes from cigarettes. The risks are double to those who already have lung ailments.…
Cigarettes are made up of dried tobacco leaves and other things to make up for the flavor. Scientists have found up to 3,000 compounds in tobacco and cigarette smoke. With the total 3,000 compounds, there are about sixty carcinogens. There are a numerous amount of bad chemicals found in cigarettes. Here are just a list of few: Ammonia: Household cleaner, Agelica root extract: Known to cause cancer in animals Arsenic: Used in rat poisons Benzene: Used in making dyes, synthetic rubber Butane: Gas; used in lighter fluid Carbon monoxide: Poisonous gas Cadmium: Used in batteries Cyanide: Deadly poison DDT: A banned insecticide Ethyl Furoate: Causes liver damage in animals Lead: Poisonous in high doses Formaldehiyde: Used to preserve dead specimens Methoprene: Insecticide Megastigmatrienone: Chemical naturally found in grapefruit juice Maltitol: Sweetener for diabetics Napthalene: Ingredient in mothballs Methyl isocyanate: Its accidental release killed 2000 people in Bhopal, India in 1984 Polonium: Cancer-causing radioactive element. All of these chemicals have taken a toll on current smokers, ex-smokers, and people exposed to second hand smoke.…
The production and sale of cigarettes should be made illegal. Cigarettes cause cancer. They are bad for your lungs, and also they are bad for your teeth and mouth. If the production and sale of cigarettes was made illegal, it would help cigarette addicts stop the bad habit. The death rate of smoking would also decrease.…
Banning tobacco products has been very popular for more than one hundreds year and still we are seeking when or how to stop this. Americans used cigarettes, cigar and other tobacco products more than any other. I personally smoke cigarettes and I intended that smoking should be banned not only for others but also for my benefits. I know smoking is hard to stop when you started it, it is because of its content; nicotine.…
“More deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides, and murders combined”(CDC) Smoking is a huge addiction in the United States and it the number cause for death. When you smoke you nearly harm every organ in your body, it is bad for your health and leads to having shortness of breath, lung cancer, and addiction. Most smoking users also spend to much money on tabacco products. Most users spend over $100 a month and could be spending this money on something more health benifical and contributes to having a low income. Lastly tabacco products cause pollution, give off second hand smoke, and cigarette…
It has become fashionable in the world today to condemn smoking. Smoking should be banned because it destroys people’s health, finances and families.…
I think there are many strong arguments for why snuff products, such as cigarettes should be banned. Such products are extremely harmful to one's health and should not be sold to humans. It is understandable…
Tobacco advertising should be made illegal. First of all it is correspondent with growing death rate. In average, over 400 000 people die from tobacco usage every year. We should not support tobacco advertising when it is harmful to everyone. The only kind of advertising that has to deal with tobacco should be associated with stop smoking. Such advertising should help people to bring up smoking or should inform people about risks of smoking and about consequences that are involved.…
People have been smoking for hundreds of years. Smoking is an American pastime that makes huge amounts of money. The chemicals in cigarettes are extremely addictive and poisonous. Smoking kills people everyday and costs billions of dollars in health care. People who smoke not only hurt themselves but also people around them. There are many strong reasons why cigarettes should be banned in America.…
It has become common knowledge that smoking is bad for people’s health, nonetheless people continue to smoke. To be honest, that is fine. If people want to endanger themselves by smoking then I wish them a swift and peaceful end (though most smokers die a slow and agonizing death). What is not acceptable is the effect that smoke has on non-smokers who have almost no way of getting away from smoke unless they want to stay in their house. Smokers affect everyone around them for the worse. Smoking should be restricted or banned from all public places because the health of non-smokers should not be jeopardized by secondhand smoke.…
One puff out of a cigarette is like inhaling 4,000 chemical that is used to kill rats, cleaning toilet, that is used to create pesticides. Smoking cigarette is basically killing yourself. Tobacco has nicotine in it that causes many smokers to be addicted to cigarettes and chewy tobacco. “Insert a cheesy ass story about someone who struggle through his addiction of nicotine”. Even though Tobacco and its product contributes so much in our industry, tobacco in other hand should be banned in all public places because it causes lots of harm in our society, it affects people’s lives due to illnesses and diseases it gives, it also becomes an addiction which can lead to many more problems, and mainly because of the secondhand smoke it produces which kills many innocent citizen in this country.…
Tobacco has been a part of our nation’s history since the very beginning. Using tobacco has never been considered a healthy habit, but people today still smoke regardless of the harms done. In New York there have been bans for smoking in public places. This could be a start of a new trend to ban smoking everywhere in the US. However tobacco should not be banned because of individual rights, it’s effect on the economy, and the increased crime it could cause.…
Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death that is legal. However, there is hope. Twenty countries have passed smoke free law, but America has not yet and they should. “Each cigarette shortens the smoker’s life by 11 minutes instantaneously because of the immense health problems cigarettes cause” (Fast Facts). This does not sound like a lot but three packs a day will compress the smoker’s life by 418 days for each year each year he/she smokes. Smoking should be banned because people are exposed to hazardous smoke in many places, a ban can lead to prevention and quitting of smoking and second hand smoke can cause many illnesses and disease.…
Smoking is an expensive habit and it should be banned. Although smokers claim that it helps them to relax and release stress, the negative aspects of the habit outweigh the positive. It is a health hazard for both smokers and non-smokers and it is especially harmful to unborn babies. Cigarettes are also addictive because of the nicotine they contain. Cigarette smoking causes a number of health problems which are expensive to treat. It is a major cause of respiratory diseases such as asthma, lung cancer and bronchitis. It also leads to heart disease. In spite of the money in which the government receives from taxing cigarettes, the cost of medical treatment for these diseases is much more than…
Another reason is smoking will become a tendency, which lures a lot of young people to do so. In fact, according to some reliable surveys, numbers of smokers are rapidly increasing this day. Of course, we can smoke if this will affect no one. We together make some tight and strict regulation for smokers if we don’t want to have any adverse influences on our next generations.…