Smoking causes an enormous increase in the probability of lung cancer and can result in permanent damage to lung tissue and other organs in the body as well as causing deterioration of the immune system.…
Smoking can cause lung disease to spread by damaging a person’s small air sacs, which are the alveoli that are found throughout the lungs. This happens because smoking destroys cilia, the dirt and pollution stays in your lungs, along with chemicals from cigarette smoke. Smoking can cause many other cancerous diseases just about anywhere in a person’s body. Most people think that it could just be in a person’s lungs, but cancer can form anywhere when smoking is involved. Poisons in cigarette smoke can weaken the body’s immune system, making it harder to kill cancer cells. When this occurs, cancer cells keep growing without being stopped. in a person’s bladder, cervix, colon and rectum, liver, pancreas, and stomach.…
Lung Cancer is one of the most harmful effects of cigarettes. “But it also causes Bladder cancer, Kidney cancer, Cancers of the pharynx and larynx (throat cancer), Mouth cancer, Esophagus cancer, Cancer of the pancreas, Stomach cancer, Some types of leukemia, Cancer of the nose and sinuses, Cervical cancer, Bowel cancer, Ovarian cancer. In some cases, also breast…
From approximately 1950-1980, law firms defending tobacco companies really had their work cut out for them because around this time smoking tobacco was beginning to be linked to lung cancer and other diseases. The Tobacco Institute reassured people for decades that there was no link between smoking cigarettes and any diseases, however the Industry knew there was a chance for disease and chose to deny the risks and misrepresent tobacco. Research and studies were conducted, however they could not get proof that cigarette smoking was a cause of cancer. A full page statement was released and ran in over 450 American newspapers and was aimed at over 43 million people in 1954. It was called “A Frank Statement to Cigarette Smokers,” and was written by the Tobacco Industry Research Committee to help ease the mind of American smokers, and show that there was no direct link between cigarette smoking and cancer found by researchers (“Tobacco News”, 2012).…
Have you ever come home with the stench of smoke just protruding from your clothes? Have you ever coughed and choked as you inhaled a cloud of smoke as a group of immature smokers passed by? If you have, then you would agree that neither one of these experiences is very pleasant, and could have been avoided if smoking was banned in public places.…
Can you smell that? That’s the smell of fresh air. Now can you smell what I smell? It’s the smell of Cigarettes, which is the smell of millions and millions of epithelial cells being burned to crisp and coated with deposits of tar, while introducing 4000 toxins to the rest of your body. People don’t understand how catastrophic the effects of smoking can be, Financially, Physically and Mentally (Parallelism). Diseases like Asthma, Lung Cancer, and or even death… They are high prices to pay for a small piece of tar, don’t you think? (Rhetorical Question) About 15 billion, yeah that’s right 15 BILLION cigarettes are sold daily or 10 MILLION per minute. Can you imagine how repulsive the smell of 15…
According to the article “Cigarette Smoking” “each year about 443,000 people in the United States die from illnesses related to tobacco use” Cigarettes smoking are the responsible of the 30% of all cancer deaths. Dr. Leroy E. Burney US Public Health Service 's, explains that lung cancer , oral cavity, stomach, bladder and pancreas are one of the first diseases caused by cigarettes smoking, and that bronchitis, heart diseases, emphysema and others are the one the diseases that follow them. In my personal experience my grandfather die of lung cancer because when he was a young boy he smoke one, two or three packet per day, and when he was getting older all this start to affect them. In addition, a report from “Smoking and Health” mentions that, for women that smoke…
Smoking is a expensive habit and it should be banned. Although smokers claim that it helps them to relax and release stress, the negative aspects outweigh the positive. It is a hazard for both smokers and non - smokers and it is especially harmful to unborn babies. Cigarettes are also addictive because of the nicotine they contain. Smoking should be outlawed due to the hazard it causes to the smokers and non - smokers, the negative aspects and dangerous consequences it causes, and also the harmful things it does to the environment.…
Firstly, smoking leads to many types of cancers, such as lung cancer, kidney cancer, larynx cancer, bladder cancer, esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and many others. Not only that, scientists concluded from…
In recent years, more and more people have come to realize that smoking is doing irreparable harm to the whole world. It has become fashionable in the world today to condemn smoking. It is common knowledge that smoking is detrimental to our health .The death-rate of lung cancer is getting higher and higher. Besides lung cancer ,heavy smokers are likely to get heart attacks (and other diseases such as bronchial asthma, arteriosclerosis and chronic cough and so on). Thus, smoking is definitely a health hazard. However, a large number of people are addicted to it. Besides, many people are getting into this bad habit constantly. Many people have appealed to the government to ban smoking altogether. However, although I feel that smoking can be harmful, I do not think it should be banned completely.…
Cigarette smoking has been a trend since the beginning of the industrial revolution. Some people believe that smoking could help them release their stress as it helps them to relax. Some people also believe that the cigarettes business is necessary for a specific country to develop their country’s economy. As time flew, knowledge develops and technology rises, and as a result, we came to know that cigarette smoking brings numerous potential harm not just to our body but also to the environment. But many people still practice smoking regardless the fact that smoking could potentially ruin their health as what is written on the cigarette box itself. Knowing all these, still some people continue on smoking, as if they did not know that they are harming their surroundings too, therefore cigarette smoking should be banned. I think only by doing so we can achieve a more positive result.…
Some dangers of smoking are minor outcomes such as: problems breathing, wrinkles, and bad smelling clothes, hair, skin changes to yellowish color from the toxins in cigarettes. Major outcomes from smoking are risks of catching cancer such as lung cancer, cancer of the lip, tongue, pharynx, and bladder. Cancer takes more than 400 thousand lives in the United States per year. One person dies every five minutes from smoking related diseases. Burning tobacco is the main source of indoor pollution in the developed world as it contains over 4,000 dangerous chemicals. Smoking makes you vulnerable to more colds and sickness you would normally not get if you didn't smoke.…
Yes, smoking is bad and bad for people around the smoker but imagine what would happen if it got banned? Just look up the Alcohol Prohibition in the early 1900's. The U.S. decided to ban alcohol so guess what happened. The Black Market filled with alcohol and soon it got out of control, this lasted about TEN years until the government gave up. If more people get arrested for black market buying then WE have to pay for their confinement. Plus its a citizens right. Yes smoking is unhealthy and it can kill people and the environment,…
Each cigarette contains around 4,000 chelicals which damage the smoker 's body in a variety of ways. According to the American Lung Association, cigarettes cause 87% of lung cancers and also lead to different serious disease such as heart attacks and strokes, due to the chemicals which damage the heart muscles and blood vessels. Smokers do not have to smoke every day to become addicted. Regular smokers find that it is easier to get a cold or a cough and much more difficult to keep fit. Smokers also are more likely to have circulation problems Smoking also affects the reproductive system, esspecially in women. They may suffer irregular and absent periods, menopause, which occurs earlier, and their risk of cervcal cancer is increased.…
According to the American Lung Association website, each year smoking-related diseases claim an estimated 443,000 American lives each year, including those affected indirectly, such as babies born prematurely due to mothers smoking during pregnancy and those exposed to secondhand smoke. This is more people than aids, alcohol, drug abuse, car crashes, murders, suicides, and fires combined. Tobacco use remains the leading preventable cause of premature death in the United States. The list of diseases caused by smoking includes cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, multiple types of cancer, especially esophageal, laryngeal, lung, and oral cancer, and reproductive disorders. The American Cancer society states that smokers also die significantly earlier than nonsmokers: 13.2 years for men and 14.5 years for women.…