Manoj V, Bramhe
Department of Information Technology, RTM Nagpur university
St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engg. And Technology, Nagpur, India Abstract— M-banking has emerged as one of the main division of m-commerce. Mobile banking services consists of information inquiry, notifications and alerts, applications and payment transfer.
Mobile based application is used for connecting customer handset with bank server for all such services.
Current M-banking applications used by banks are facing security challenges for payment transfer banks are using secure payment gateway and other security measures which increases cost and infrastructure for bank but major day-to-day banking applications are inquiries, notifications and alerts. The problem with current banking applications is that they send data directly to customer in plain text form compromising with security.
We present SMS based secure mobile banking which enhances security with minimum cost. In this approach bank hides customer transaction data is secure SMS using AES symmetric cryptographic algorithm and send it customer application supported handset. Customer application decrypts data in secure manner.
Keywords: M-banking, MD5, AES, MPIN
M-banking system is one which provides all daily banking operations to customer with one click of his mobile handset with supported application. M-banking system has potential to provide access or delivery of very specific and highly necessary information to customer as given in [2]. Growth in the M-Banking is driven by various facilities like convenience of banking operations, greater reach to consumers and Integration of other m-commerce services with mobile banking. In M-banking there is no place restriction, it is highly penetration coefficient as growth of mobile phones are
References: 478 Manoj V, Bramhe / International Journal of Engineering and Technology Vol.3 (6), 2011, 472-479 Mohammad Shirali-Shahreza and M. Hassan Shirali-Shahreza, ”Text Steganography in SMS”, 2007 International Conference on Convergence Information Technology.