Quick Quiz
Multiple Choice Questions
1. In sociology, minority refers to the ________ group.
a. dominant
b. subordinate
c. ruling
d. sovereign
Answer: b
Question Title: TB_01_01_Ranking Groups_Remember_LO 1.1
Learning Objective: 1.1: Explain how groups are ranked.
Topic: Ranking Groups
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: 1 – Easy
Page Reference: 4
2. Which of the following statements is true of gender groups?
a. Women are physically indistinguishable.
b. Membership in gender groups is involuntary.
c. Men are lowered to the position of the social minority.
d. Women encounter prejudice and discrimination.
Answer: d
Question Title: TB_01_02_Types of Groups_Understand_LO 1.2
Learning Objective: 1.2: Describe the different types of groups.
Topic: Types of Groups
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: 2 – Moderate
Page Reference: 8
3. The sociohistorical process by which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed, and destroyed is known as ________.
a. racial formation
b. ethnocentrism
c. stratification
d. racial labeling
Answer: a
Question Title: TB_01_03_Does Race Matter?_Remember_LO 1.3
Learning Objective: 1.3: Explain what is meant by race being socially constructed.
Topic: Does Race Matter?
Skill Level: Remember the Facts
Difficulty Level: 1 – Easy
Page Reference: 11
4. The racial and ethnic landscape is subject to change and different interpretations because ________.
a. it is constructed socially
b. it is conceived naturally
c. it is culturally homogeneous
d. it stagnates racial formation
Answer: a
Question Title: TB_01_04_Biracial and Multiracial Identity: Who Am I?_Understand_LO 1.4
Learning Objective: 1.4: Define biracial and multiracial identity.
Topic: Biracial and Multiracial Identity: Who Am I?
Skill Level: Understand the Concepts
Difficulty Level: 2 – Moderate
Page Reference: 11 5. The conflict perspective is viewed as more radical and activist