1. Understand the importance of diversity, inclusion and equality
1.1. Explanation of diversity, equality and inclusion
a) Diversity refers to the fact that we are all different. All the people are unique in their own way. Some of people are male or female, some are tall, some short, some people have dark skin, some light. People differences also could consist of their reading level, athletic ability, cultural background, personality, religious beliefs, and etc. It means that people comes from different cultural backgrounds, different faiths, and different family groupings. And they have different learning styles, different personalities, and etc. Because we are all different from each other, every institution which is taking care of children must be prepared to work with different kids. A diversity approach aims to recognise, value and manage difference between children and also to contribute and realise their full potential.
b) Equal means treating everyone exactly the same. But when children have learning disabilities, treating them exactly the same as the other kids is not really fair. In my opinion equality means that al the people should have equal access and equal opportunities to learn and be successful regardless of race, religion, gender and ability. In addition, equality is not about treating everyone in the same way, but it recognises that their needs are met in different ways. (Equality Act 2006)
c) Inclusion is the practice of including differently abled learners into a mainstream classroom or the same institution of children with primarily standard abilities. And it is about equal opportunities for all pupils, whatever their age, gender, ethnicity, attainment and background. Accepting and embracing all differences includes everyone in the practice and all activities. Example: providing lavatory facilities for disable person, interpreter