
Social Class Research Paper

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There is a saying that ‘’fingers are not equal’’, this is one of the reasons why things cannot be equal or same in the entire world.
First and foremost, let us define social class! Social class can be define as ‘’group of people with similar levels of wealth, influence and status’’. (Cliffs Notes 2013) In my country Nigeria there are four different social classes, starting from lower, working, middle and upper class. The lower class are poor people mostly non educated, undergraduate, homeless, or less privileged. Most of these people do suffer medical care, good housing, safety and good clothing they hardly give their children education. The working class are those with little or no educations who engage in manual labour
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Also, prudence in spending and investing in economic strengthening activities are some of the factors that can get me up there, and getting a better pay than the present salary.
Media roles in middle class Media does not stigmatize the middle class, they are the major hand in the media but even at that we all know “that he who plays the piper dictate the tune” in our society the upper class who own the media houses dictate what happens and they are the opinion moulders. The middle class have little or no recognition but they can move into either of the other bordering classes helped by activities or inactivity. The middle class form the bulk in features in the media such as entertainment, religion discussions, art and cultures, teaching and so on but do not features in media headlines. However, as income varies from month to month due to household shocks or economic changes, education strongly shapes access to the middle class by affecting the opportunity for mobility. One of socioeconomic mobility is completing primary school education. (Quarterly Americas

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