Poverty – Many children are living in poverty, the family will be living on a low income; this could be either on benefits or from only one parent working. Low income families may struggle to provide basic food and clothing for the children, living conditions may be poor and inadequate. Living in poverty can have a huge impact on a childs quality of life. Children can suffer from poor health from below standard housing; this can mean a child may have asthma or pick up frequent virus’s and infections from cold, damp living conditions and also from lack of a healthy diet to protect against illness. Living in poverty can affect a child and the parent’s mental health. Poor accommodation, lack of money to pay household bills and to provide adequate clothing and a nutritious diet can all have a very negative impact on a child’s life. …show more content…
Housing and community – Living in a poor quality, cramped housing conditions can impact a child’s life, but also the community they live in.
Living in social housing on estates where there is anti-social behaviour will have a negative impact on a child. A child and their family who witnesses anti-social behaviour regularly may be frightened or intimidated, the children may not join in with community activities or may not be allowed to play outside. Witnessing drug abuse and violence for example will have a very negative impact on a child, they may become withdrawn and feel isolated.
Living in a rural community can also affect a child’s life, being isolated as there are no close neighbours, having to travel to school and not having school friends close by to play with. Lack of transport can make it hard to access social events and also health facilities.
Living in an anti-social or rural community can impact a child’s life, lack of social skills and feeling isolated in
Religious beliefs and customs - Some religions have very different customs and cultures and this can have an impact on a child’s life. Different religions celebrate different traditions. In a school setting if a child does not celebrate a certain tradition that child will not be allowed to join as it may go against their religious beliefs. When children are celebrating Christmas or Easter for example, and making cards and gifts and singing songs, maybe putting on a concert the child who has different beliefs and customs will not be taking part in these activities. This can make children feel isolated and different from everyone else, this may have a negative affect on the child. That child might also be taken out of school to attend their own traditions and this means taking time off school and missing out.
Health status - A child may have a health condition that can limit activities aswell as missing school. For example a child with asthma may not be able to join in with sport and energetic games. A child may have other medical condtions that require regular treatment and medication, or possibly regular hospital admissions. The child may feel different from their peers and may feel they are missing out on what their friends are doing. They may need extra support at school or at home.
A child could also be the carer at home if a parent is unwell or has a disability, this has a massive impact on a child’s life. They have responsibilities at home caring for someone, this may mean they have no social interaction with other children outside school. Being a young carer is often very hard for a child, they will feel isolated and probably tired in school because of the chores they have to do at home.
They are many factors that can impact on a child’s life.