Mr Sajjad Naseer
American politics
March 2014
Lahore School of Economics
I would like to convey my deep affection to few persons and would love to acknowledge their appreciative help in our research project. The persons include my instructor Sir Sajjad Naseer and Ms. Maheen Haroon .
Research on this topic would show on overall support or refute of social media playing a significant role in political campaigns. Given the support for social media‘s role in political campaigns, research would show how social media affected previous campaigns, specifically
President Barack Obama‘s 2008 presidential campaign, and the growing importance of social media to future political campaigns. Research would also indicate the potential problems and best uses of social media in future campaigns.
Social media is the interaction among people in which they create, share, or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Engagement through social networking sites and Twitter has become a marked feature of political and civic life for a significant portion of Americans .According to the Mass Communication and Society study, the ability to express political views and opinions online plays an important role for social media in campaigns. Social media allow users to not only seek information but also interact with others through online expression such as posting political commentaries on blogs and social network sites and sharing multimedia commentary. In past campaigns, Facebook users have expressed themselves politically in many ways, such as making online donations, encouraging friends to vote, or posting graphics or status updates expressing political attitudes and opinions. Twitter and blogs have been used by candidates and
Bibliography: Graber, Doris A. Mass Media and American Politics 8th ed. . Washington, DC: CQ Press , 2010. Greyes, Natch. "The Untapped Potential of Social Media: A Primer for Savvy Campaigners." Campaigns and Elections 300 (2011). Mass Communication and Society 13.5 (2010): 608-630. Academic Search Premier. Pearson, Steve and Ford O 'Connell. "Avoiding Social Media Pitfalls." Campaigns and Elections 31.294 (2010)