Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) affects a considerable wide range of individuals from as young as 8 -25 years old. Certainly, HPV is a sexually transmitted virus and accounts for more than 85% of cervical cancer deaths in developing nations (World Health Organization, n.d.). The virus which has four strains has also been associated with the development of certain cancers (mouth, cervix, penis, throat, head and neck) in males and female alike. Therefore, health promotion strategies in the form of vaccination for both females and males at a young age, before they are exposed to the virus, have been shown to be effective in preventing HPV related infections and cancer (Cates, Ortiz, Shafer, Romocki, & Coyne-Beasley, …show more content…
The strengths of the study is that creating an effective mass media poster that emphasizes the importance of HPV Vaccination, especially in boys is a great way to raise awareness for vaccination, thus, leading to a reduction and possible eradication of illness and disability from HPV, while saving families spending on medical costs and bills. With regards to the weakness of the study, since HPV vaccines are very expensive costing between $130-150 per shot (Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, n.d.), the weakness lies in the fact that the study did not address the issue of affordability and access to HPV vaccines for marginalized …show more content…
However, future studies should address the implications of the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) on individual’s ability to effectively follow this initiate. Particularly, SDOH # 1 income and social status may contribute to families not being able to vaccinate their children. Thus, government policies that address the barriers to HPV vaccinations are relevant. Furthermore, nurses should advocate for avenues to make HPV vaccinations for both males and females affordable and accessible to the marginalized