My name is DeeArla Bollschweiler and I am a Facebook addict. I have come to the realization that I am obsessed with social media after spending more than five hours playing games, exchanging posts from friends and family, and feverishly trying to figure out what to say on my status update. My need to “log on” grew to be an essential element to my survival. My smartphone with all of its apps and gadgets has become the control center to my world. I am a living example of letting my smartphone control me, and I don’t think that I am the exception.
According to Mirriam-Webster (2012), social media is defined as any form of electronic communication through which users share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content. From pictographs to social networking man has always found a way to communicate. When the telephone was invented, it was used only to communicate in an emergency. As technology advanced, it became a common appliance in