Technology has advanced over the past decades, rapidly influencing today’s social culture. Social media is still developing into many different forms. Those forms can include Smartphone’s, computers, laptops, television, and tablets. Whichever the object is, it has also become a form of communication in many different ways. So much of people’s lives are impacted by social media, and there are many debates that whether or not it has a positive or negative effects on society.…
In an age where information and interactions are just a few clicks away, it has become easy to blame social media sites for problems in society. There are some who oppose this idea and others who are on board with the notion. Social media can have both a positive and negative effect on today’s society; it is up to the individual to decide the effect on them.…
Urvish Patel 2, February, 2017 Thursday, 8:30 - 11:15 pm In the article “ Why you need social media” by Patrick Gillooly gives feedback to Cal Newport’s article, which describes various effects of social media in this modernized world. Patrick Gillooly talks about not to quit social media, which according to his research helps many people in getting employment, which is too essential for an individual in his professional life. On the other hand Cal.newport clarify that how bad social media reflect to people in this society. I strongly agree with Patrick Gillooly because of advantages of social media to young generation. I also realize the menace described by Cal.…
Social media allows people connect to each other no matter how far apart you are, making friend, sharing pictures, and exchanging ideas easily. According to Pew research, social networking site users have more friends and more close friends compared to those who are not social networking site users. The average American has 634 ties in their overall network and technology users have bigger networks (Hampton). It does also create expansions through shared interests with people from more diverse backgrounds and around the world.…
After reading the book The Man Who Counted by Malba Tahan, I learned a lot more about mathematics and how it can be viewed as an art form. The two main characters, Hanak Tade Maia, the man that became friends with the man who counted, and Beremiz Samir, the counting man, talk about their adventures and their jobs they both get with royalty. The book is basically filled with the stories and adventures of the Counting Man told by him and what Maia views. The book is told in sequential order starting from a memory of how Maia and Beremiz met, which was when Maia found him dressed in rags on the side of the road in the desert blurting out random seven digit numbers.…
Online social media have gained astounding worldwide growth and popularity which has led to attracting attention from a variety of researchers globally. Social media effects millions of people worldwide daily and many teens spend at least a hour a day on social networking sites, today we will decide whether or not social media is a hindrance or a tool for teens and adults. Although with time all generations have come to accept the new technologies and offspring that it has, one of the offspring from technology in the 21st century is social media. Social networking has brought about, teenagers and young adults are the most fanatic users of these sites. According to various research studies in the field of online social networks, it has been revealed that these sites are impacting the lives of the youth greatly. When using these sites such as Twitter, Facebook or MySpace, there are both positive and negative effects on the youth and today we are going to contrast the two sides to see if the negative effects outweigh the positive effects. Some of the points that will be argued are that many people believe the use of social media helps with communicating but is not allowing us to make connections with the people we are interacting with. One of the most negative effects of social media is the reoccurring cases of cyber bullying; almost all teens that have social media accounts have seen or been involved in cyber bullying. Lastly we will discuss many positive effects of social media and how it can help keep people connected from all over the world.…
Another reason why social networking is an advantage is that it can give people the opportunity to create a positive self-image. It can give people the chance to create an image of themselves that they…
From the girl who played in your sandbox twenty years ago to the man who fathers your soon-to-be adopted child from India, social networking websites grants you the opportunity to connect with just about anyone you please in a way you couldn’t have years ago. While such an opportunity sounds like what eating a bowl of your favorite ice cream feels like, being a part of the cyber world can prove to be disadvantageous. Just like almost anything in life, social media provides its perks but it has its downfalls as well. Social media is most definitely having a negative impact on society.…
With various ongoing debates about why social networking may be bad for society, I have found it to be a positive resource. Social networking comes in many forms. It comes in the form of facebook, twitter, and even professional forums such as Linkedin. In such a fast-paced world, I find social networking to be an invaluable way of sharing ideas and interests that allow me to remain engaged. Although some may debate that social networking takes away from face to face and/or quality interactions, I have found it to be an invaluable tool in building community and networks. In fact, I believe it has given us a more effective way of communicating and engaging with one another especially in our fast-paced society.…
Social media also allows contact with people around the world. It is actually source of easy communication; it is also common way that people express themselves. It can keep you up to update on the happenings of all our loved ones. However, it has a negative effect on society. Social media has become a big erosion of society. For instance, Face book. If we made ourselves completely exposed to the world, another negative effect on networking sites we shares too much information on face book and it lead us to physical danger. Cyber bullying has become a real threat; especially to teenagers it leads them to suicides.…
Some advantages in the use of social media would be that it's an excellent tool for gathering/obtaining information. A good example would be the medical field: If you're travelling out of town/out of the country and you're hurt, doctors are able to pull up your records to obtain vital information in your medical history. For example: it may list medications you're allergic to and/or it can assist in ways to treat you. Another advantage would be the ability to connect with family and friends everywhere. Most computers have web cams attached to them. With this capability, all parties are able to see and talk to one another. For example: my family sets dates and times in advance so that my brother at college, my father who travels extensively abroad and family members at home are able to get onto their computers and we're able to see and talk to each other. This method is called skyping. Another method now available is the ability to “tango” (doing the same thing but through your cell phones). People are now able to telecommute which allows people to work comfortably from home. Telecommuting also reduces traffic on the streets and well as the elimination of stress/tension due to traffic and/or time constraints (getting to work on time). Lastly, social media is an essential learning tool in that students can do all of their research for their classes online, take courses rather than attending classes on campus, communicate with your professors online and, thus, increasing the abilitly for all people (including stay-at-home moms) to progress educationally.…
It is incredible that only fifteen years ago, people were still using the postal services as their primary source for communication. Although the United Postal Service has not gone out of business, people are switching over from the old fashion stamp and letter to e-mails, social media sites, and instant messaging as a more convenient way of exchanging information. In just a few years, the usage of social media sites, like Facebook and Twitter, has been increasing exponentially, and is becoming more and more active (Zuckerberg). However, despite the conveniences, the popularity of social media has also gained averse viewpoints from a more traditionally conservative audience. Nevertheless, social media has beneficially changed society because of its educational benefits, public relation tools, and communicational conveniences.…
In the past few years, the increase in the use of social media has skyrocketed. A countless number of people of all ages have continuously been using technology in their everyday lives. The problem with this is that some overuse it and cannot detach themselves from it. This causes a distraction to allowing people to live their everyday lives and hurts their social relationships by involving less communication. The younger generation is also affected by catching on to these bad habits. Between addiction, distraction, and bad influences social media has not only made it’s way into many lives but has affected…
Many teenagers love social media because of its wide connectivity and function that people can receive it for free; it does not require money to make an account and use it. Facebook is the most visible among various social media. What’s impressive about this site is that you can easily connect with your long lost friends and see how they’re doing, or vice versa. You can also make new friends in Facebook. Though this could get addictive and may divert our attention away from the real world. Like what Cornell University’s Steven Strogatz said; “Social media sites can make it more difficult for us to distinguish between meaningful relationships we foster in the real world, and the numerous casual relationships formed through social media.” I strongly agree with this statement. Also, people become a whole new person, because it’s the Internet. People can be anything or anyone in the Internet.…
The second advantage social media has is it can significantly help us enlarge our social circles. The appearance of social media breaks friend-making barrier caused by geographic isolation. People now can freely talk to people from different countries and make friends with them. Thanks to facebook, now i have made friends with Americans, Japanese, Singaporeans and Canadians. Besides geographic isolation, social media also breaks the career barrier. Although i am a student, i can also make friends with doctors, singers, writers, etc. via amazing facebook as long as we have the same interests. Social media makes it possible for us to get contact with the whole world.…