Why so many people cannot live without their phone updating their face book? In this generation people are so addicted on face book. Before and after they go to bed they cannot help themselves checking other people’s status and updating their personal life. According to About.com Web tends, “Social media is form of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, and personal messages. Face book is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. It began as a college networking website and has expanded to include anyone and everyone.” Social media has become part of our daily lives. We are sharing information, ideas, and being able to comment on every ones photos and videos. However, social media has a negative effect in our lives and society. Social networking sites like Face book, My Space, Instagram, and Twitter have an overall negative effect on society. Face book help to keep us connected to our family, friends and loved-ones. However, people share too much information which can lead to negative threats. Face book has become a big distraction of our society.
Social media also allows contact with people around the world. It is actually source of easy communication; it is also common way that people express themselves. It can keep you up to update on the happenings of all our loved ones. However, it has a negative effect on society. Social media has become a big erosion of society. For instance, Face book. If we made ourselves completely exposed to the world, another negative effect on networking sites we shares too much information on face book and it lead us to physical danger. Cyber bullying has become a real threat; especially to teenagers it leads them to suicides.
Face book has quickly become one of the most