Since I really enjoyed this novel, I would absolutely recommend it to other people to read. It is an easy read that is enjoyable from a high school age to any age above that. Although this book is written on an 8th grade reading level, it gets very confusing at some point so I wouldn’t recommend anyone younger than 9th grade to read it. There are pictures that start off every chapter but these pictures are used to depict what the man who counted is describing when he tells his stories. Without these pictures to look at, sometimes I would be lost because he speaks of
Since I really enjoyed this novel, I would absolutely recommend it to other people to read. It is an easy read that is enjoyable from a high school age to any age above that. Although this book is written on an 8th grade reading level, it gets very confusing at some point so I wouldn’t recommend anyone younger than 9th grade to read it. There are pictures that start off every chapter but these pictures are used to depict what the man who counted is describing when he tells his stories. Without these pictures to look at, sometimes I would be lost because he speaks of