Identify the purpose for the policy/program; which at-risk population it is meant to serve; and which form of discrimination the policy/program is attempting to address.
The Social Welfare Program I chose is WIC which is a supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and children. The purpose of this program is to help low income pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and infants and children under the age of five. Women who's family income is below the 185% of the poverty guidelines is at risk and the reason this program was created towards. This program is meant to eliminate discrimination towards women who cant support themselves through their pregnancy and the first couple of years. Its meant to provide an opportunity to keep these women healthy throughout their pregnancy and to keep their children healthy after birth by providing them checks to buy free healthy food. It is also meant to provide referrals to receive health benefits. The eligibility requirement for women to qualify and receive WIC is that they must be below the U.S. Poverty Income Level. If a person participates in other benefit programs or has a family member who …show more content…
How did researching the topic and need change your view?
I believe that this program is definitely needed and is something very beneficial. Being a teenage mother myself I know that this has helped many young girls who become pregnant and may not have otherwise been able to supply a healthy diet throughout their pregnancy and to their children. In one of the classes I was in more than 50% of the girls who were teenage mothers were enrolled in the program. I was one of the few who didn’t need the help but witnessing it first hand with the girls I was surrounded by I definitely saw the benefits. Living in Las Cruces where teen pregnancy is something that is very common in high school this program is helping out these girls