Basically, she torn between received judicial authorization for a medical procedure to which she is consitutionutionally authorized to choose between the pregnancy she doesn’t want and returning back to her country that she had left. This is not only social problem but clear violates her constitutional right since she was already grand authorization for the abortion. In the academic article, “Foetus or child? Abortion discourse and attributions of humanness” states “due to moral, religious, cultural sensibilities, the topic of abortion still gives a rise to controversy. The ongoing public debate has become visibly polarized with the usage of the pro-life and pro-choice rhetoric”( Mikołajczak & Bilewicz, 2015). That what brings me to the program that guides
abortion, which be the pro-life and pro-choice. People that believe in Pro-life are people that believe that all humans, which is including unborn have the right to life. Which mean that they believe abortion is wrong and should be consider murder. Pro-life wants policies that