In the ever green study of New Testament scholarship, the approaches to the New Testament text stand on the top. The NT Scholarship constantly endeavors to discover and generate innovative prototype for the approaches to the New Testament text. Among the many, Vernon K. Robbins who coined the term “Socio- Rhetoric criticism” is an extraordinary figure in the field of New Testament criticism. His work is considered to be one of most the significant arts to approach the New Testament text. This approach to the New Testament text is inclusive of literary, narrative, rhetorical, inter-textual, socio-scientific, cultural and ideological criticism together. Socio-rhetorical interpretation has become a multi-dimensional approach to texts guided by a multi-dimensional hermeneutic.” It is a comprehensive approach to interpretation that examines the text in light of each of the five dominant textures he has identified “It focuses on values, convictions and belief of both the text that a person read and the world the person live.” This approach exclusively deals with text. “At the same time it moves further to the world of the author and the present world. It appears that this approach meant to both life and language. Therefore, this paper attempts to explain the socio- rhetoric criticism of Vernon Robbins in detail which would help the student of the NT to see the text in wider ways. 1. Meaning of the Term Socio- Rhetoric
The term Socio- rhetoric is the combination of two words which implies “the socio- scientific criticism and rhetorical criticism.” Vernon Robbins defines Socio- rhetoric as; “the term ‘socio’ refers to the rich resource of modern anthropology and sociology that socio- rhetoric criticism brings to the interpretation of the text.” “While Socio-scientific approach focuses on social class, social system, personal and community status, people on the margin, and people in positions power Socio- rhetoric interpretation brings the ever
Bibliography: Culpepper, R. Alan “Mapping the textures of New Testament Criticism: A response to socio- rhetorical criticism,” JSNTIO (1998) Article Press , 1996 ------------------------, The Tapestry of Early Christian Discourse: Rhetoric, Society and Ideology ,London: Routledge, 1996 -----------------------, “socio rhetorical interpretation from its beginning to the present” Article [ 3 ]. Vernon. K. Robbins, The Tapestry of Early Christian Discourse: Rhetoric, Society and Ideology (London: Routledge, 1996), 18. [ 5 ]. Vernon K. Robbins, Exploring texture of Text: A guide to Socio- rhetoric interpretation, (USA: Trinity Press , 1996), 1. [ 7 ]. Arren Bennet Lawrence, Approaches to New Testament, HBI, M.Th 1st semester, 2010. 44. [ 30 ]. R. Alan Culpepper, “Mapping the textures of New Testament Criticism: A response to socio-rhetorical criticism,” JSNTIO (1998): 76.