A Sociological Inquiry
Presented to
The School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Mapua Institute of Technology
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
Social Science 11
Zyrene John Villanueva
Jerold Chris Egargue
Ezekiel Solano
Mark Joseph Pascual
Calvin Villanueva
November 19, 2011
Introduction In the Philippines, there is a serious conversation and debate in the congress and senate about the artificial family planning method and teaching sex education in secondary schools. This activities aims to reduce the rapid growth of our population that is now in 98 million. The senates and representatives believe that knowledge about engaging to sex and these possible contraceptives, may reduce the fertility rate in the country. The consequences of population growth are the following: high societies are not able to provide good health, education and welfare programs; the process of industrialization is slowed down; technology is costly and uncertain; consumption patterns destroy the ecosystem as technology depletes the natural resources and environmental problems are accelerated; it contributes to social inequality; it reduces the country's ability to solve problems peacefully. On the artificial family planning method, the continuous debate is because of the uncertainities and danger of the said method to the child and the mother, that may lead to abortion. Condoms, oral pills and other forms of contraceptives are the possible equipment to reduce this rapid growth. Also, the activity may engage young adults or couple to premarital sex and may lead to an unexpected pregnancy. Since the Philippines is a catholic country, the church and other religious group blame moral decay and the "proliferation of contraceptives" for productivity, abortions and illegitimate births. According the Catholic doctrine, the sexual act should always be for the purpose of procreation and taking place within context of