Sociological Theories and Family Sociological theories are important in understanding how the society operates. In addition, the theories help one understand how people in society relate with each other. The theories have helped understand various social issues in the society and made it easy to develop solutions to the problems. There are different theories that are used to explain how the society operates and how people interact with each other. Examples of the theories include functionalism theories and conflict theory, and interactionism theory. The theories have helped examine different institutions in society and how they operate. The theories named above impact families in many different ways. The theories affect the functioning of the family and interaction of family members. Sociology and family go hand in hand and a family can not true be whole without understanding each other first. Social conflict theory is a social theory developed by Karl Marxist. The social conflict theory states that conflict helps us strive and makes us stronger. It also argues that people in society have different amount of material resources and non-material resources. This has led to the creation of two social classes in the society. That is the poor and the wealthy. Conflict theories stress on social, political and material inequality of social group. Conflict theory is the opposite of functionalism. The advocates of conflict believe that resentment and hostility are common in the society. Resentments and hostility causes people in society to conflict. Moreover, the advocates believe that power differences between different social classes. Different people in society have different power and this causes conflict between different classes. People who have more power oppress those who do not have any power and results in social conflict. The conflict theory was developed to show the shortcomings of the structural functionalism theory.
References: Crossman A. 2012,, Functionalist Theory, an overview. Received from Nelson L. 1998, Herbert Blumers Symbolic Interactionism. Received from discourses/Papers/App_Papers/Nelson.htm