Quiz answers for quiz 2
Cognitive dissidence
George Zimmer on “true love”
The social structure-education religion, politics
6 basic human emotions
Altruism-selfless behavior
Socialization is a learning process that we all go thru
Feral children grow up with no socialization
Gender is learned and sex is biological
George Herbert mead- imitation ,play, and game are the 3 stage of the development
Social groups- are made up of individuals who share something from physical space to values and morals
A group must be 3 or more people
Looking glass self –Charles Horton Cooley
Primary group cooperative, intimate, long term relationships
Ex-sporting teams, family church
The primary group becomes part of your identity and helps you to develop positive self esteem
Secondary groups-large groups that tend to be relatively temporary or formal
The reason you are in the group is because of a reason, interest, or activity
Ex- classes and service fraternities
In and out groups
“in” group are groups you feel loyalty to wards
“out” groups are groups you feel antagonistic toward
“in” groups loyalties may include :America, ttu, sports teams, religious groups
Reference groups- the groups we use as standards to evaluate ourselves
Ex: we compare ourselves to models, movie stars, celebs, family, friends, ect
Max Weber- functionalist, mid-late 1800s, German
-was one of the founders of sociology
-came up with the “rationalization of society”
Rationalization is efficient maximizing your time and abilities
This came with the industrialization of society
Assembly lines are the human element; it will make things more rational
Human inevitably make mistakes and are not efficient
He was interested in how to take the human element out of
However, the human element is necessary in things like teaching parenting,
Bureaucracy –when the humanity is sucked out of a situation and there is nothing you or anyone else do about it