This essay will discuss sociology within the confines of education and examine the role educational institutions play in the development of a society. The above illustration will act as a visual stimulus for this purpose, setting a sociological context through which this assignment will be conducted.
Theories of habitus, social capital and social reproduction with regard to education will be examined. Central to the theory of social reproduction are a number of key characteristics. This essay will apply the following: First, current educational systems reinforce inequality; second, schools are built upon models of class values; and finally, the educational system is modelled on the concerns of the dominant ruling classes.
The first section of this assignment will establish a theoretical basis for the essay. It will introduce the work of Pierre Bourdieu, identifying him as a key theorist in the field of sociology in education.
Relevant areas of Bourdieu 's research will be examined, most notably his theories of capital.
Drawing from ranging academic sources this section will expand upon the topic with a view to apply the theory in the following section.
In line with theory outlined in section one, the second section will analyse the formerly introduced visual stimulus. In doing so, the following questions will be answered: Does the image reinforce the theories of Bourdieu? If so, what elements of the image suggest that social inequality is in fact reproduced in educational institutions? Based on this analysis, general conclusions will be drawn leading to the subsequent section; personal reflections of the author.
Section three will incorporate personal reflections. A number of aspects of the earlier outlined theories will be highlighted and compared to the personal experiences of the author. In addition, this section will conclude the assignment with the identification of a number of key ways its completion has informed my
Bibliography: BBC News Online Network, (1998). UK Eton - The Establishment 's Choice [online].United Kingdom, BBC News Billig, M., (1995). Banal nationalism. London: Sage. Bourdieu, P. and Wacquant, L., (1992). An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Perez-Felkner, L. (2013). Socialization in Childhood and Adolescence. Handbook of Social Psychology, 2nd Edition Reay, D., (2012). What would a socially just education system look like?, Journal of Education Policy [online], 27 (05), location within host Siisiäinen, M., (2000). Two Concepts of Social Capital: Bourdieu vs. Putnam., ed. Paper presented at ISTR Fourth International Conference: The Third Sector: For What and for Whom?, July 5-8, Thomas, D., (2009). Etonians wearing their tailcoat and stiff collar uniform, photograph viewed 31 March 2014 . Thrupp, M., (2010). Education policy and social class in England and New Zealand: an instructive comparison Webb, J., Schirato, T. and Danaher, G., (2002). Understanding Bourdieu. London: SAGE Publications. Whitty, G., (2001). Education, social class and social exclusion. Journal of Education Policy, [online], 16(4)