More concepts related to culture: high culture = culture of the wealthy pop culture = culture of the common people trend = something in the culture that endures over time fad = relatively short-lived element of the culture
Socialization and related concepts Primary socialization = earliest occurring socialization anticipatory socialization = children?s play, trying on roles as they play
Professional socialization = learning what is expected in a professional setting
Gender socialization = learning what is expected of males and females. Total institution has its own version of each of the social institutions.
We said that prisons and military are examples De-socialization = breaking down what was learned previously re-socialization = learning what is need in new circumstances these occur in a total institution, because total institutions have ways of doing things that differ from the outside world.
Mead?s ideas on formation of self:
The self is composed of 2 parts the I and the me.
I = the individual part of self
Me = the social part of self Self-concept = sum total of who an individual believes herself or himself to be
Self-esteem = evaluation of self. It can and does fluctuate for most people Both self- concept and self- esteem are formed through the process of social interaction Looking-glass self (Charles H. Cooley) and Generalized other (George H. Mead) are related concepts. Looking-glass self is the micro level concept and generalized other is the macro level concept.
Looking-glass self = an individual?s perception of how others see him or her. Occurs in face to face interaction, so micro level
Generalized other = an individual seeing himself or herself through the eyes of society (norms)
Id, ego, superego are Freud?s version of parts of the self. He also believed that socialization is the key to formation of self.
Id = instinct
Ego = mediator
Superego = conscience Primary group members are