Fill in the Blank Summer Final Exam
Directions: This 50 question exam covers Chapters 1 through 15 and is due no later than noon Friday, 7/29. Each question is worth 3 points for a total of 150 points for this exam. There could be as many as 3 words necessary for the answer. The answer will be counted incorrect if all words are not exact and spelled correctly. This is an open book exam, but please do not share answers with your classmates. Remember that the integrity of the learning environment requires our honesty.
Provide the number and the answer only and post in the message box located below these questions. Be sure to click on Submit when finished.
1. The ability to see how our personal troubles are connected to …show more content…
When one part of culture (usually technology) changes more rapidly than another, sociologists call this cultural lag.
20. The process of learning the roles, statuses, and values necessary for participation in social institutions is called socialization.
21. The process of learning to view ourselves as we think others view us is called the looking-glass self.
22. Primary socialization is personality development and role learning that occurs during early childhood.
23. An institution is an enduring social structure that meets basic human needs.
24. Dramaturgy is a version of symbolic interaction that views social situations as scenes manipulated by the actors to convey the desired impression to the audience.
25. The norm of reciprocity is the expectation that people will return favors and strive to maintain a balance of obligation in social relationships.
26. McDonaldization is the process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurants--efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control---are coming to dominate more sectors of American society.
27. Anomie is a situation in which the norms of society are unclear or no longer applicable to current …show more content…
The world-systems theory is a conflict perspective of the economic relationships between developed and developing countries, the core and peripheral societies.
31. Environmental racism refers to the disproportionately large number of health and environmental risks that minorities face daily in their neighborhoods and workplaces.
32. Double jeopardy means having low status on two different dimensions of stratification.
33. Sexism is a belief that men and women have biologically different capacities and that these form a legitimate basis for unequal treatment.
34. The manufacturers of illness are groups that promote and benefit from deadly behaviors and social conditions.
35. Marriage is an institutionalized social structure that provides an enduring framework for regulating sexual behavior and childbearing.
36. Propinquity is spatial nearness.
37. Exogamy means choosing a mate from outside one's own racial, ethnic, or religious group.
38. The hidden curriculum is the underlying cultural messages that schools teach to socialize young people into obedience and conformity.
39. Tracking occurs when evaluations made relatively early in a child's career determine the educational programs the child will be encouraged to