comprises of computer programs , supportmodules, and data modules that worktogether in order to provide a computerwith the instructions and data necessaryfor carrying out aspecific type of task.
Program * a set of instructions that tells a computerhow to solve a problem or carry out a task
Support Module * provides an auxiliary set of instructionsthat can be used in conjunction with themain software program * not designed to be run by the computeruser
Why does a software requires so many files? * Most software packages include at least oneexecutable program file, several supportmodules, and one or more data modules. * It is for the programmers’ great deal offlexibility and efficiency. * Most of the support modules contain “generic”program instructions that can be used to workwith various programs.
These techniques affect the process ofinstalling and uninstalling software.
How does a high-level language relate to themicroprocessor’s instruction set? * Machine language is the only language that canbe understood by a computer’smicroprocessor. * Instructions written in a high level languagemust be translated into machine languagebefore a computer can use them. * Special type of programs called translators,convert instructions from a high-level languageinto machine language.
How Software Works * Assuming that a VideoFactory, a video editing program, was installed on your computer, which is running Windows. * You click the Start button, then select VideoFactory from the Programs menu. * The instructions for Vidfact.exe are loaded into RAM and then sent to the microprocessor. * The VideoFactory window opens and the graphical controls for video editing tasks appear. The programs wait for you to select a control by clicking it with the mouse. * The program follows its instructions and performs a pre-specified action. * The program continues to respond to the controls