University of Kentucky
CIS 111 Section 003
Dr. Witte
March 11, 2011
Solar Energy: United States Landowners and Residents
In today’s world, which most definitely has an environmentalist mindset, there seems to be a feud or conflict between those in favor of fossil fuels and those in favor of alternative energy, i.e. solar energy. It seems so disputed and heated that you could compare it to the rivalry in our political system among democrats and republicans. Each side wishes to strengthen our communities, states, nation(s), and world politically and environmentally for the generations to come but can never seem to come to an agreement. Despite all these disagreements and arguments something does need to happen in order to stop pollution by way of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels do not have to be thrown out of the equation altogether but one day technology will reach the point where alternative energy is king. The many who are in favor of fossil fuels in no way like to hear a statement such as that but it is inevitable that alternative energy will take over because of countries like the US and the rest of world’s vast advancement in science and technology. Much evidence shows that solar energy will have a positive impact on the economy and the environment at the national and local levels.

There is a large amount of salor energy out there, it is just a matter of it being captured for proper use and to result in the cutting back of fossil fuels. With the Sun being roughly halfway through the ‘main sequence’ of it’s lifespan then we have nothing to worry about as far as running out of an alternative energy source, let alone enough energy for Earth to survive. At present times the human race is using roughly 1/10,000 of the suns total energy (Moebius 2005). Here is a link to a short video that will give you another idea of how much
References: R, J. (2009, July 31). Facts about solar energy - part 1 [Web blog message]. Retrieved from Johnson, G. (2009, September). Plugging into the sun. National Geographic, Retrieved from United States Energy Information Administration, Independent Statistics and Analysis. (2010). Table 5. residential average monthly bill by census division, and state Washington, DC: Retrieved from Choi, C. (2008, December 8). The energy debates: solar farms [Web log message]. Retrieved from Casebolt, C. (1993, May/June). Home alone-living off the grid. Home Energy, Retrieved from Moebius, E. (2005, January). Cosmicopia: an abundance of cosmic rays. Retrieved from☻sunenergymass Solar Energy 6 Google Images 2011 National Geographic 2009