As far as the suitable location of solar and wind power is concerned, it has been reported that the efficiency of wind panels is depended on wind speed. The electricity produced by wind turbines is more expensive for places with low or medium wind speed. Likewise, one of the most important reasons that make solar power more suitable is when the place concerned has low wind or has high sunshine (Detronics Limited, 2006). In addition, it is not ideal to install windmills near residential places as this creates continuous noise resulting from the rotation of the turbines. Windmills also cause visual pollution (Smith, 2005). On the other hand, solar power panels are soundless, and they can be installed anywhere, for instance on the roofs, streetlight, and so on, causing no noise or visual pollution.
One can see from the diagram below, which offers a graphical illustration of the most suitable places of solar and wind power energy in the Middle East. The sunshine places are indicated as a circle, whereas the windy places are indicated as a
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