Accountability is very important because it allows for your chain of command to know where you are at the moment, It is also important because it tells the unit commanders allso the none comisiond officers how around how many personnel are available to perform certain tasks,If a leader does not know around how many troops are available then he/she will not know who is available to do what,Everything must be accounted for, from food, rounds, troops, vehicles, fuel, and so on.disciplin and acountablity to your unit is a must,so they know where you are and that you are safe and the military is run off disciplin with out it we wouldnt be the greatest military/army in the history of the world.103
Accountability is also a very important part of an enlisted and a None Comisiond Officers jobs. The enlisted soldier is responsible for all items issued to issued to him weather it be a weapon, Night Vision Gogles, clothes, a vehicle, or some TA-50, a feild manual, medication (morphine, demoral, or any narcotics), BII, etc. The None Comissioned Officer's responsibility is to make sure that the soldier is accountable for the items and has eyes on these items when need, so that he can report it to his higher command. Accountability also includes the most.72
The United States of America's army values soldiers that are accountable for their actions. Being accountable means being dependable-arriving to work and appointments on time, meeting deadlines, being in the right place at the right time and uniform, doing the right thing at the right time. Morning formation is the most important formation of the day. It is made to get accountability of everyone and put out any information that there needs to be dealt with. Without having accountability there is not knowing of where every body is or what's going on.Incase of something happening spontaneously and you don't have a clue where or when something might happend to you and if your chain of comand doesnt