Maureen Hannay Troy University ABSTRACT Leadership theories have evolved from a focus on traits, to behaviors, to contingency theories, to more contemporary approaches including servant leadership theory. This paper provides an overview of the principles of servant leadership and identifies characteristics displayed by servant leaders in the workplace, with special emphasis on the importance of empowerment in defining a servant-leader. It also addresses the application of servant leadership in a cross-cultural context utilizing Hofstede’s five cultural dimensions as a framework. This paper concludes that servant leadership is best applied in a culture with low power distance, low to moderate individualism, low to moderate masculinity, low uncertainty avoidance and a moderate to high long-term orientation. Key Words: Servant Leadership, Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, cross-cultural management, empowerment, leadership styles
The Cross-Cultural Leader, Page 1
Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies
Introduction Leadership has been and continues to be a topic of considerable interest in the management literature. While there is no universal definition of leadership, there is agreement on the fact that leadership involves an influencing process between leaders and followers to ensure achievement of organizational goals. Early studies in the area of leadership focused mainly on trait theories in the hopes of identifying the personality characteristics of the ideal leader. When they proved unsuccessful, research moved on to the examination of behaviors that would differentiate leaders from followers. But again, researchers were unable to define a universal theory of leadership. Contingency theories, which essentially said that the most effective leadership style depended on the situation,
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