Cigarettes are cylindrical rolls of finely cut Tobacco cured for smoking, considerably smaller than most cigars and usually wrapped in thin white paper, according to In our present society, Most of the places in our Environment are smoke-free areas by laws implemented in our Government, as well as in some Business Facilities, people caught smoking in public areas will receive probably a consequence or pay an amount to maintain cleanliness in that particular area. With our growing population nowadays, people are tending to buy Cigarettes and use them in public places like anywhere they want, however laws are still weak to counter these problems. But we, citizens of the Philippines and the World, should participate and obey all of the Laws and Protest to stop the use of cigarettes in all of the areas except in their own private areas for they can only bother their selves and not the people around them and for we may protect our health for our future generations. The Main Disadvantage of smoking in Public areas and Business Offices is that the people around you or 2nd Hand Smokers, which is more severe than the one who is smoking, will have a lot of Health Problems, most probably Lung Cancers and also can Promote Heart Difficulties, like Heart Attack and Heart Failure. We don’t want our love ones or friends to have these illnesses right? So we must stop smoking in public areas or much more let us stop smoking right now. Other thing is that our Ozone Layer is Thinning that is why we need to stop smoking because it promotes Air Pollution which is considered as the top one destroyer of our Ozone Layer that covers us from the Harsh UV Sun Rays. It also has Nicotine wherein many people get addicted on it, it is also considered as a drug.
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