Background of the Study In this time, good teachers and good teaching methods are needed in order that students can gain more knowledge especially in the subject Mathematics. Many students fail, because of the difficulty of this subject. These methods should be introduced to the students to improve more in their Mathematical abilities. In PNHS, many students have difficulty in Mathematics, because in this subject it uses more analysis and understanding problems. Math is not easy for the Math teachers, because some students have no interests of this subject; because of its difficulty. Teachers must encourage the students to study this subject. If the students able to study this subject, there is a big possibility to pass or increase their grades. But if the duration of time spent for studying this lesson is not enough, the student’s achievement in their Mathematical ability will be decreased. So, studying is very important to the students. There are so many factors that can affect or cannot affect the Mathematical ability of a student. One factor is watching Television, because it can consume the time of a students for studying their lessons. Another factor is, having not enough allowance, because some students are not interested to go to school if their allowance is not enough. Another is Internet addiction, because they spent their time and money for this, that lead to addiction and the students have lack of interest in studying that will lead for them got low grades. In this study, we will know the factors that can or cannot affect the Mathematical ability of I-Universe and I-Galaxy.
Statement of the Problem
This study aimed to answer the following questions:
-Duration of time spent for studying Mathematics
-Number of hours spent for watching Television
-Internet Addiction
Sub-Problems: 1. What is the average grade of male students in Mathematics during 2nd Grading Period? 2. What the average