On the one hand, there are people who think that the best way to know an other country is to follow its cultural differences. It is also reported that people who lived in country for a long time prefer it, because they learn the culture and people’s habits. According to me, it means that people, who make the effort to live as an inhabitant of the country they are visiting, would have a better understanding of its culture. In addition to that, it is also true to say, that people who don’t like to change their habits when they are visiting an other country aren’t really friendly and doesn’t have the best behaviour with local people. As, they usually ask things that aren’t easy to find. For exemple, in India, to ask to have a steak made by cow wouldn’t be well considered by Indian people, because cows are holy for them. Therefore, it when people are visiting a country it should be because they want to discover a culture and not just to say that they have been there!
On the other hand, a country should be grateful for people who are visiting its land. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that visitors help poor countries to make money with their cultural aspect just by paying the entrance of museum or famous building. In addition, tourist are a real lucrative market for indigenous and not only for the government. For instance, it is known that tourist in poor countries pay more money for their diner, even if it isn’t a lot for them, it helps the indigenous. Herce, The least that a country could do to be sure to have tourism is to accept some of their cultural differences furthermore to make sure that tourists wouldn’t feel their differences and feel comfortable.
In conclusion, they are two different