The National Government * Crittenden Compromise submitted by John J. Crittenden; called for several constitutional amendments, which would guarantee the permanent existance of slavery in the slave states and would satisfy S demands such issues as fugitive slaves and slavery in D.C * Proposal to reestablish missouri comp. line in all future and present territory in US * Republicans don’t wanna accept going against position it agreed
Presidents and Patronage * Short supplies for union in fort * Bombarded by P.G.T Beauregard * Island was surrenedered * Way to have prevented war- let the south surrender peacefully
New Public Issues * Union advant. : larger population, advanced indust. System and to manufacture most materials during war better transportation * S relied on Europe imports * S advantages: Home field
The Grangers * Homestead Act: permitted any citizen to claim 160 acres of public land for a small fee after living on it for 5 years * Morill Land Grant Act: Transferred substantial public acreage to the state gov which were to sell land and use to finance public education * Create ne state colleges and universities * Congress passed tarriffs and end of ar * Boon to domestic ind. For protection from foreign competition * Dream- complete transcontinental railroad * Union Pacific