Well, attacks against corruption is good, but against personalities, it will already be too much. Yes, the economy is improving if the numbers from experts and business groups are going to the bases, but what is more important and expected on this year’s State of Nation Address of P-Noy are more concrete programs and policies on how to improve the lives of people, like on how to lower electricity rate, protect consumers from rising fuel prices, issues on salary increase, easing poverty, availability of social services, passage of the Freedom of Information Bill, passage of the Reproductive HealthBill, concrete programs on protecting the environment and disaster management.
So basically, my expectation from this year’s SONA is, how will the President and his government improve my and my countrymen’s life in the midst of global economic uncertainty and changing environment.
How about you, what are your expectations from P-Noy’s SONA this 2012?
I am only amazed though to know that in the pluralities of ideas and opinions, sometimes there are those who would fall prey to the trap of total cynicism and political pessimism. That is to see everything on the SONA whether it may be Aquino or other President delivering it as full of lies and full of empty promises. This is the usual reaction of I guess of people who sees everything as darkness and lives inside the cave of ignorance and helplessness. Such pessimistic approach on things dismisses and ignores the capacity of people to be critical, to be vigilant.
Rather than focusing and trying to believe that our people is a just a bunch of emotionally-driven electorate and a throng of idiots who loves to believes on fairytales, I rather trust that the Filipino people are now more educated, intelligent and positive seeing more the light than curse in darkness. When on start to look down with contempt on his people, he has already started to be the very reason for his countrymen’s slavery.