
Song Of Solomon Quote Analysis

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To start; I honestly enjoyed, song of Solomon, I found parts of it a little unclear, but I believe that will be cleared up with time. I attribute my confusion to the fact that I read it, and did all the summer work across three days. That being said, I found the text to be a quality piece filled with excellent subtext and symbolism. I wouldn't categorize this novel as excellent, or particularly inspiring, but would say it's more than simply good and also well written.

Firstly, I'm going to elaborate some on the first, second, and fourth prompts... My opinions developed of Milkman and his sisters throughout the text. My angle on Milkman shifts from noncommittal, to disliking him. He's too apathetic and abuses his social status, which I specifically dislike. Arrogance and apathy aren't all that bad in my book, but under his circumstances it is, he has no accomplishments of his own to lead to his attitude. On the other hand i grow to like him as the text develops. He becomes a sort of survivor. Or rather a man
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In short, I adored Pilate; she was honest, in my opinion, cared about her family, even the parts that hated her, and was willing to do whatever necessary to get what she wanted. She seemed like one of the best developed characters in the whole novel. To me she felt the most like a real person, with flaws, good points, and random quirks. Then her daughter Reba, I don't have much to say about her, the text itself called her simple, and her roles in the text were minimal. If I had to say I'd just say that I disliked her. Lastly Hagar was just annoying, She is just a spoiled child. She gets whatever she wants, just because she wants it, and then got upset when that changed. I called this an example of psychological reactance, but I feel like that's a bit of an understatement after finishing the novel. She's, to be blunt, an immature child that eventually quit life, because she couldn't handle

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