my membership in Phi Sigma Sigma has been better. My experience is not the same as others, and not even of those who look like me, but it is valid and has strengthened, not weakened, my feminist ideology.
Being a feminist means trusting my intuition when faced with difficult choices, it means speaking with sincerity and defending myself, and it means taking control of my environment. It is not letting someone tell me I am incapable because I am a woman. It means advocating for women’s rights that are relevant now more than ever in America like, reproductive rights and equal pay, as well as recognizing my privilege and lending my voice as a white woman to other women and minorities who are not heard in their fight for equal rights. It means speaking out in defense of all women, even those who are not confident in the idea of being a “feminist.” Being a feminist is asking for constant and consistent equal treatment. You can be a feminist in evident or subtle ways, it does not matter. What matter is that it is always valid no matter how you believe in it.