Applebaum writes that unlike so many countries that have been through similarly profound transitions, South Africa retains strong democratic institutions, including high-quality media, decent courts and a well-organized civil society, highlighting how South Africans have dealt brilliantly with the racial and historical legacy of the apartheid state, yet that they have dealt less well with its corrupt economic legacy and the legacy …show more content…
Security agencies had launched investigations upon each other; causing the prosecutor’s office to be weakened in the process, therefore remaining leaderless. Despite South Africa’s varied and independent media — which had analyzed and investigated the story at length and even so involving the country’s decent courts, this story is still one of many that have never been resolved to anyone’s satisfaction. In which demonstrates that one wrong move could partially paralyze South Africa’s democracy, and so displaying their struggle in resulting difficulties. Anne Applebaum’s solution to all of these problems is that South Africa needs to continue its revolution, neutralize the security state, change its economic policies and, above all, deepen its