The most expensive condominium in the city of Miami was recently listed at 55 million dollars. The building has no special provisions for flooding, even though it too sits on a floodplain. People continue to build and buy million-dollar homes and businesses that have no protection against the coming tide (Paquette). Developers have begun to look forward to the crisis of sea-level rise and are planning villages that float. One proposed idea for a “floating village” on land that floods regularly costs 12.5 million dollars per unit (Parker). Even if the rich and famous may be able to live in post-flood south Florida, it is out of the realm of possibility for an average citizen to keep his or her home or buy a new home in the …show more content…
Sea-level rise is coming, and it is coming fast. Although politicians, developers, and average citizens want to and continue to tiptoe around the subject, it is inevitable. In less than one hundred years, it is very likely that most of southern Florida will be flooded. Proposed fixes are in place, but they are too expensive to be viable. Developers and civil engineers have looked at building floating homes and raising roadways, but those ideas are just as expensive. It is too costly to attempt to keep the ocean back, or to raise the entire area that is under threat of being overtaken by the sea. South Floridians may not have to face it today, but the day is fast approaching when they will need to sell (or abandon) their homes, businesses, and properties to move somewhere safe from the threat of the