A motivational profile can provide insights into whether a company is doing the right thing or requires improvements. Although nearly every company proclaims its goal is to deliver exceptional service, research confirms that the service quality of many corporations is below consumer expectations. Southwest Airlines has created a competitive advantage through valuing employees’ needs as a strategy that motivates them to provide better customer service (Hallowell, 1996). According to Czaplewski, Ferguson, and Milliman (2001), Southwest Airlines was one of only two companies to place in both the top-10 most admired organizations and best places to work. Even though there are specific steps Southwest Airlines could take to address motivational strategy deficiencies, Southwest Airlines has developed motivational strategies that provide a positive experience for its employees.
Provided is a closer look into the background of the airline industry and Southwest Airlines background. This includes a brief history of the business, products and service offered, and financial information for the last five years. The corporate culture and management section describes the mission statement, organizational structure, and the company’s decision-making strategies. Further detail describes Southwest Airlines’ motivational strategies: employee empowerment, incentives, performance appraisals, and leadership styles. The analysis considers what makes working for Southwest Airlines a positive experience for its employees, such as the essence of its approach to motivation and recommendations on specific steps the company could take to address deficiencies. The analysis will also include what makes Southwest Airlines’ motivational techniques unique, successful, how it improves employee retention, and the best motivational practices.
Background of the Industry The airline industry has a long history providing air transport services
References: Bunz, U. K., & Maes, J. D. (1998). Learning excellence: Southwest Airlines ' Approach. Managing Service Auality, 8(3), 163-169. Retrieved from http://bunz.comm.fsu.edu/southwest.pdf Czaplewski, A De La Merced, M. (2011, November 29). American Airlines parent files for bankruptcy. The New York Times. Retrieved from: http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2011/11/29/american-airlines-parent-files-for-bankruptcy/ Hallowell, R Knol, J. (2010). Southwest Airlines from an organizational perspective. Airlines of the World, Issue 26, 1-2. Retrieved from http://www.aerlines.nl/issue_26/Knol_SWA.pdf Lukas, P Mayo, A. J. (2009, November). Come fly with me a history of airline leadership. Harvard Business School. Retrieved from http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/6275.html Romero, J Southwest Airlines. (2011). Southwest media. Retrieved from http://swamedia.com/channels/Our-History/pages/our-history-sort-by