SOWK 1001 Introduction to Social Administration
Individual term paper Topic: Critically examine the pros and cons of the DirectSubsidy Scheme in primary and secondary education in HongKong. Take two well-known schools as case examples (oneD.S.S. and the other non-D.S.S.) to illustrate your answer.
Table of Contents 1.Abstract
2.About the scheme
3. i)To the DSS schools themselves
3.1High Autonomy on admission
3.2Maintain qualities of students admitted
3.3Freedom to design curriculum
3.4Autonomy on administration
3.5Financial resources
3.6Greater variety of facilities ii)To students and their parents
3.7Provide alternative choices for students
3.8Cultivate diversity of abilities
Iii)To the society
3.9Enhance competitiveness of the society
4.1.1Facilities are comparable to those of DSS schools
4.1.2Non-DSS schools can also provide high-quality education and nurture talents
5.Cons of Direct Subsidy Scheme 5.1Violation of equal education opportunities 5.2The DSS schools become market-oriented 5.3Unfairness in educational process 5.4Reduce social mobility 5.5 Stigmatizing effect on students 5.6Teachers’ concerns are not well-protected
This essay will talk about the hot-button topic,the Direct Subsidy Scheme.I will address the topic in an explicit structure.First of all, I will have a basic introduction on the Direct Subsidy scheme,the rationale behind it and its history.Second, pros of DSS will be thoroughly explained, using the case study of one DSS school, Diocesan Boys
School (DBS).While one example of the non-DSS school,La Salle College will be used to illustrate that the pros of DSS schools may not be borne to them only..Thirdly, cons of DSS will be mentioned.Lastly, I will draw the conclusion.
2.About the scheme
After the second world war,the demand for schooling increases rapidly due to rapid population
References: Audit Commission(2010).Table1.Underprovision for fee remission /scholarship schemes(2008/09).Governance and administration od Direct Subsidy Scheme schools.retrieved from Education Commission Report, No. 3., 1988, Hong Kong Government. Hui, K.Y. (2001). 名校轉直資 舊制新議 - Retrieved from Salle College Annual Report, 2012-2013.Retrived from Hong Kong Institute of Education .Disparity in Higher Education Attainment is Widening between Rich and Poor 2013.Retrieved from,2012).Diocesan Boys ' School 's retiring headmaster enjoyed making changes.South China Morning Post.retrieved from,T.(2006).Privatizing Education: Some Reflections on the Development of Direct Subsidy Scheme in Hong Kong. Economia seria Management Anul IX, Nr. 1, 2006.retrieved from 公營中六學額餘3219個.Aug 6 2009.appledaily.Hong Kong.retrieved from